

Musing on arty stuff.

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Top Hat! In a St John Preaching of c.1530 attributed to Jan Swart van Groningen .

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Dachshunds seem to omnipresent in UK advertising at the moment, so here's the delightful of 1912 . Sadly, it came in for some criticism for being, basically, meretricious.

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She comes in silver and gold: the Magdalene by

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The biggest splash - by the Master of St Christopher . Not surprising the saint is stumbling when it appears as though the Christ Child is pulling at his hair.

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The influence of Constable is unmistakeable is this landscape by Paul Huet (1826)

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The lonesome pine as a motif

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Walter is little known outside Germany - which is surprising given the increasing interest in more traditionL landscape artists working around 1900

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Thoughtful: St Demetrius by Ortolano and copied by Scarsellino

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Details of the attributes of the four fathers of the church from Michael Pacher's brilliant altarpiece

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If an idea is good, re-use it: Primaticcio's Ulysses and Penelope , dell' Abbate's Eros and Psyche

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