

Musing on arty stuff.

フォロー数:195 フォロワー数:358

She comes in silver and gold: the Magdalene by

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Chardin's wonderful brioche - it has always looked a touch burnt to me.

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The Romantic period is more usually associated with the rise in medievalism, but it actually started long before. This is the Death of Bertrand du Guesclin in 1380 by (1777) and there earlier examples

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The biggest splash - by the Master of St Christopher . Not surprising the saint is stumbling when it appears as though the Christ Child is pulling at his hair.

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The influence of Constable is unmistakeable is this landscape by Paul Huet (1826)

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The lonesome pine as a motif

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Walter is little known outside Germany - which is surprising given the increasing interest in more traditionL landscape artists working around 1900

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Thoughtful: St Demetrius by Ortolano and copied by Scarsellino

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Details of the attributes of the four fathers of the church from Michael Pacher's brilliant altarpiece

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If an idea is good, re-use it: Primaticcio's Ulysses and Penelope , dell' Abbate's Eros and Psyche

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