

bo bailey hal, (they/her) 27, lgbt, I'm an artist on twitter! jakesmsv is my husband! Artist for Studio Yurei
my only alts: theskinhorses , 🔞nightcicadasong

フォロー数:660 フォロワー数:335

We had unexpected expenses come up nd are having a rocky time financially so I'm knocking down the price on my pixel art commissions from 25$ to 15$! Retweets always help too!

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okay so far the choice is body horror, what if i did one of these guys? https://t.co/uTzlnYWDSt

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i havent been doing art as much while getting used to my meds so heres some very very VERY messy d&d drawings from the past month, Valentine and his band members for their band called velvet tide , ill be doing my usual stuff again soon , ty!

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very fast and very messy sketch from a dream i had, these two guys showed up and insisted on being my body guards. The threat was never made apparent to me. I thought they were fun so I wanted to draw them. I named them Maury and Joe. Maury wanted to take photos of everything lol

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"I think I'm spending too many long nights at the office."
I got a lot of feedback from people here on twitter about my artwork and tried to apply what I learned here, I hope it shows! ;v; Speed Paint: https://t.co/QeSjx2frJd

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this is marvin, he loves the feeling of infected mosquito bites and living in the itchy parts of your attic

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trying to figure out how i could do body horror werewolves but this is bordering on more goofy rather than scary, what should i do?

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