

bo bailey hal, (they/her) 27, lgbt, I'm an artist on twitter! jakesmsv is my husband! Artist for Studio Yurei
my only alts: theskinhorses , 🔞nightcicadasong

フォロー数:660 フォロワー数:335

Redrawing something from 2019? I think? Does this anatomy look right?

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Today's prompt was using the palette so I did a self indulgent thing and practiced a tiny amount of animation ;v;

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Messing around in aseprite trying to see if I can make my own tilesets / pixel parallax maps

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A of 25x25px for today's
Original tiny dinos at the bottom in the white box, upscaled to see easier

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For 's DTIYS challenge , I chose team I kinda imaged them in a 90's cartoon like Moomin or something. It was relaxing to try this and take a break from other stuff ;v;

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