

bo bailey hal, (they/her) 27, lgbt, I'm an artist on twitter! jakesmsv is my husband! Artist for Studio Yurei
my only alts: theskinhorses , 🔞nightcicadasong

フォロー数:660 フォロワー数:336

Should I do hair or obnoxiously long feathers? I'll need to change the colors of the feathers, just wanted to show im going to make them multi colored. Also they need to be smaller

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"When I opened the barn doors, all of my horses had disappeared, with only this creature, laying in the hay."
I redesigned my skin horse, this was a pretty fast painting but I like it better than the original ;v;

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Tried animation on my housemate's D&D campaign, this char being based on Kali Uchi, I'm VERY new to this and have a very basic understanding of animation so its very very messy

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