

you should follow @rookruff for actual art and stuff, i really just post whatever i want here 🌿 I: @tiigerstars b: @silicon65 match: @valpezian

フォロー数:978 フォロワー数:5140

wc animation community trained me to value "less is more" for animation friendly designs so much so that when i attempted to draw a jayfeather design on the fly i ended up just muttering to myself like a pedantic fool abt too much stripes

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never thought an art piece could incite so much rage but this one did... have a wip i am going apeshit

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other pieces that I used the shia labeouf brush for (but you dont see bc its blended) include:
yes, my everything moves part bg is painted with shia

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in around 2016-2017 I had this thing where i would subtly (or not so subtly) put Shia labeouf's face into the backgrounds of my MAProject parts. I intended this to be a thing going forward but... I didn't do enough animation and there were times i was too focused on finishing

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last piece of old art that i will just give no context to the people who dont know what this is. but also just a test to see a cropping thing

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old art part two


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look at this art thats absolutely cute i made when i was 14 and never remembered about til i saw in my files

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look at it

if u like WOF u should check it out (tho warning for a bit of visual gore and dark themes occasionally)

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sighs in video concept

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anyways heres my favourite frames plus a Thea that I actually really liked but you never really see in the video because it only appears for a split second

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