

you should follow @rookruff for actual art and stuff, i really just post whatever i want here 🌿 I: @tiigerstars b: @silicon65 match: @valpezian

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# wcotw

we are. so close. bro . br

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IS IT? normally the goggles i see with those straps go around the head rather than hang off both sides... this is what i was refing off of (for better or for worse LMAO i just like the chance of putting detail on the side)

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final doodle of them... now to shade and finalise the other stuff and then hopefully put em up for sale before its past 7 am over hERE

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DESPITE. HOW MUCH DETAIL THERE IS ALREADY I wanted to add goggles just for the sky design.. goggles is such a fave in clothing design

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I FELT... that this adopt didnt seem realistic enough for general feral cats/warriors designs so i decided to add an anthro version.... I think i overcomplicated it but i went through so much brainwork to make a sky-themed cape im not changing it
o|-< im kinda getting attached

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design pog

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i am back.. to designing things... (ft. kind of awful wips because these were screenshots to a friend i sent before mY COMPUTER CRASHED WAHUGHGUH)

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apparently I never uploaded this prolly bc i wasn't happy with the style i went for (its a style test thing for the War map) but i love this design v much its by @/etherealhowler

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for funsies!
Petalpaw, an ex-kittypet who's taken in by a nearby clan. Struggles to keep up with warrior, and stays as apprentice longer than an average cat. Her heart and kindness makes up for it, having perspective a lot of Clancats struggle with.

Lionwhisper, -

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24. This is Petalpaw, she's older than the average apprentice age because she was a kittypet brought in and kinda sucks at fighting and warriors stuff but her heart is good and she's sweeter than ever so you cant always be mad at her incompetence bc shes trying and she loves u

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