

you should follow @rookruff for actual art and stuff, i really just post whatever i want here 🌿 I: @tiigerstars b: @silicon65 match: @valpezian

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the way im not immune to colourpoints and stripes...... 💕

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i have a vendetta against pixel art

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A mix of these ones are appropriate,

Let me tell you I was like "oh stomache ache? Drink water time :)" but little did I know I was the cause of my own downfall

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you /know/ im out of inspiration if i regress to drawing eeveelutions

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for some reason folded ears in my brain only look good when its on short stumpy body but it turned out pretty anyway...... these are gonna be $30 flatsale when they're cleaned up and uploaded

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makes a WIP thread of my next batch of cat adopts because apparetly i am simply, just not done with my stuff

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im not even going to lie i tried doing a base adopt and i honestly feel like the charm is the fully rendered shit with backgrounds LMAOOOOO

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i popped off in ways i prolly could never and im so sad about it............. i genuinely still love some of these designs and I'm sad they're kind of in the void now

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Once i joined a pokemon ARPG that was so fun and yet so unfulfilling in the long run because you would make pokemon with mutations/crossbreeds/etc but then only sell them for like. 50 cents. despite the amount of work u put in

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I actually do have bases that I drew up sometime but never knew what to do with.. I wanted to make them P2U bases on deviantart but I wasn’t sure how good the market was LMAO

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