

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:775

271. And Helen sits down on Rebecca's bed, cheerful.

"I am ready, Rebecca: start whenever you want".

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270. Rebecca, at first, looks reluctant to shave Helen's head while the blonde is nude and with their allies so close, but little by little, her opinion changes, as she finally says, quietly:

"You are so naughty! Alright, I will do as you say".

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269. "What are you doing?!" Rebecca whispers, incredulous.

"You know, it's because the cutted hair could sting later... and for providing good views to my lover".

"But Beatrice and Alonso..."

"That's the best part: the menace of being caught up... don't you think, Rebecca?"

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268. And Helen starts to undress herself... completely, even from her lingerie.

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267. When Helen and Rebecca have some privacy again, the blonde says:

"Well, sweaty, it looks like the tables have been turned..."

"Definitely" Rebecca agrees.

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266. "And now, Rebecca, help me spread out the folding screen, please" Helen asks as she starts to move the piece of furniture.

"O-of course!" the other bard says while she helps Helen.

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265. "Before I forget..." and Helen offers her bag and spear to Alonso.

"Indeed... Thanks, girl!" the veteran says while he takes the equipment.

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264. Rebecca nods silently, with a shy smile.

"Yes, take that for granted. It's perfectly understandable" Beatrice claims.

"No problem, Helen" Alonso assures. "Meanwhile, the Princess and myself will be planning the ambush".

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263. "Before being bald... Can I ask you a little favor? Can I be shaved by Rebecca behind this folding screen?" Helen requests. "It's something a little personal and I would want some privacy..."

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262. "That's the spirit, girl" Alonso congratulates her.

"Me and Asmens won't forget such a sacrifice" Beatrice expounds.

Rebecca's mouth doesn't say anything, but her eyes are revealing enough.

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