

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:775

261. "Do you know what?" Helen announces. "Yeah, let's cut my hair"

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260. Lastly, all this situation maybe will improve her relationship with Rebecca: Helen thinks they are starting a nice thing together and this will unite them even more.

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259. Also, Rebecca's new bald appearance is pretty sexy, so Helen's look could be attractive too in this way. And if the shaved head doesn't fit her, it's not the end of the world: her mane will grow again, after all.

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258. Helen thinks in the current situation:
Would it be really a bad thing to have her head shaved?
First of all: her mission will be accomplished easier and in this way, Rebecca won't be alone in front of Ofidio.

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Picrewの「Avatar maker」でつくったよ!

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Picrewの「baci e baci」でつくったよ!

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Picrewの「Androgynous picrew!」でつくったよ!

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256. "We have here all the tools we need for your shaving, Helen. Moreover: I can be your personal barberette.

Also, If both of us are bald, I believe we can do a... more interesting performance in front of Ofidio to fool him".

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255. When Helen's shaving was laid on the table, at first Rebecca didn't say a word, surprised by the turn of events. But when the reasoning goes on favorably to the haircut, she intervenes, naughty.

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254. "I promise you that I would try to seduce our enemy in other circumstances... But he knows me too well because of the peace and unification talks... It wouldn't do the trick..."

"That it's true too..."

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