

Bald female fetish

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253. "You are pretty infamous between launian enslavers for freeing their slaves, so better don't take innecesary risks just in case one of the kidnappers is one of them: the more you change your phisical appearence, the better" Alonso points.

"That's a good reason, but..."

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252. "But if you don't shave your head to look extraordinary, you will be putting all the mission in risk: Ofidio can reject and imprison you and abuse Rebecca".

"You have a point, but..." Helen mutters.

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251. "What?!" Helen replies, perplexed. "I don't think that will be necessary. After all, Rebecca already is providing her exotic haircut and I will provide the third person to the threesome".

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250. "Not only because of that: I was saying that you are courageous because you are gonna get rid of your beautiful long hair in order to trick Ofidio".

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249. "You are so brave and selfless, Helen!" Beatrice praises.

"It's not a big deal, Princess..." Helen reacts not so modest. "I have a secret and unnoticed weapon that will defeat that bastard when he turns his back on me...".

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248. "It would be interesting if you could coax him in order to obtain substantial information about his conspiracy and allies" Alonso suggests.

"Good idea, count on it" Helen claims.

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247. "Really?" Rebecca asks with mixing feelings.

"Yeah! Thanks to your unique look and my sculptural body, we will seduce Ofidio in a jiffy, we will go with him where he wants to do the threesome and I will defeat him before he can try anything lewd" Helen expressess.

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246. "You won't be alone," Helen calms Rebecca, "because I will be there with you".

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245. "You have to be joking: I am not even a heroine, just an artist and a scholar! I don't have any clue of how to...!

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244. "Rebecca, maybe you aren't so aware, but..." Helen marks. "... head shaved women are not usual in Asmens and Lanun".

"Indeed, they are pretty uncommon and exotic" Alonso confirms.

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