

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:775

104. Nature Girl, from Marvel

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215. Helen puts the armor in a bag and hangs it on her back.

"Now, to the library again to recruit Beatrice" she thinks, hopeful.

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214. Now, she has a black lanunian`s armor set: helmet, cuirass and spear.

Sadly, the armor size is too big for her... But it would fit Alonso's height perfectly.

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213. After that, Helen ties the lanunian's hands and legs and, just in case, gags him too.

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212. ...and Helen, indeed, holds a bottle of wine, as she hits the man's head and knocks him out with it.

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211. The kidnapper takes off his armor, excited...

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210. "You are so cuuuute!" Helen giggles. "Now, get yourself comfortable: I have a good bottle of wine in my baggage 🎶"

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209. Once in Helen's room, the blonde bard says:

"Let me see your handsome face, darling..."

The lanunian, of course, agrees and takes off his helmet.

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208. The man, when he checks no one of his comrades are around, assents enthusiastically.

"Cool! Come with me: I promise you that you will never forget what we are gonna do there..." the woman whispers in his ears.

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207. The lanunian don't know what to say.

"Oh, a man of few words... I really like that!" Helen flirts. "And you have nice eyes, too! Hey, I have an idea: Do you gonna come with me to my room?" Helen says, spinning the key of her chamber with her forefinger, naughty.

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