

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:775

233. "It's not a bad idea, but we need a good bait to attract them to the trap" Beatrice mentions and, after thinking it carefully, she says. "And I will be the bait".

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232. "About desmoralize his troops (twenty still alive or conscious according to our calculations)" Alonso intervenes, "I have an idea: in the armory, I took some powder loads, so we can use it to set a trap for the lanunians in some strategic place and lock up them among debris"

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231. "He is also a smart and charismatic leader, so we must separate him from his men: without his command, if we put enough pressure on them, they will surrender. After all, they are far, far away from friendly lands".

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230. "About that... any plans in mind?"

"One thing is for sure: Ofidio is the biggest menace here" Beatrice adduces. "I knew him during the peace talks: he is the leader of the lanunian party against unification and he lives anchored in the past. We can't argue with him...".

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229. "Hey, Alonso, look at the present I took for you..."

"Nice black armor, girl!" Alonso thanks, forgetting his previous anger. "It will help me moving inadvertently across the palace"

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228. Alonso looks at Helen, critical, but she pretends to not have any idea of what has happened to Rebecca's mane.

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227. "Why are you bald, Rebecca?" Beatrice asks, surprised.

"I... lost a silly bet. It's nothing serious" Rebecca responds.

"It's... certainly an exotic look".

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226. Blonde and brunette arrive at Rebecca's room safely and without mishaps.

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105. Nebula, from Marvel

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225. "And Helen... Thanks for being so nice: You help me to focus and remind me of my duties as a ruling figure".

"You are welcome!"

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