

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:775

224. The bard explains to her the dialogue between Tamadun and Ofidio and all what happened after that.

"I see... Well, let's go to Rebecca's room and draw up a strategy to defeat the assailants with the others".

"Yeah!" Helen agrees.

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223. "Helen, tell me what is the situation" Beatrice requests, martial.

"She is stronger than she looks" Helen thinks.

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222. "Nothing of this is your fault, Beatrice'' Helen consoles the princess. "You just defended yourself and didn't started this madness: it's a thing of lanunian fanatics".

After hearing this information, Beatrice calms herself down.

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221. Helen hugs Beatrice sympathetically and the aristocrat can't hold her tears anymore.

"They appeared from nowhere and tried to imprison me and I... and I... was picking up this bow to give to Tamadun for our wedding... and I reacted automatically..."

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220. "No... I killed all these people... I can't get out of my head their faces when I snatched their lives!" Beatrice whispers, mourning.

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219. "No, Helen, I am not alright..." Beatrice confesses.

"Are you wounded badly?" Helen asks looking for blood in Beatrice's wedding dress.

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218. "Highness!" Helen says, worried. "Are you alright?"

Beatrice raises her head, looking to Helen's eyes, devastated.

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217. It doesn't take so long: the bard finds the princess sitting on the floor, in fetal position... surrounded by dead enemies, shivering.

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216. Finally, Helen arrives silently to the castle's library and, carefully, she searches for Beatrice.

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