

Gaming enthusiast interested in modern, retro, indie, arcade gaming & anime come join me for news, reviews & more!

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Digger Chan is a brand new master system game You play as Digger Chan working for M.O.O. Milk Co, & it's your job to go around the globe fixing the milk pipelines buried deep beneath the ground. ( Think Mr Driller) I'd love this on

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Fun facts about crystal castles on collection on

The game was originally supposed to be variation on the mega-hit Asteroids the working title was 'Toporoids' from TOPOgraphics & asteROIDS

The character 'Bentley Bear' was originally named Braveheart Bear

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Goodboy Galaxy for by Explore jam-packed levels with multiple routes,Meet 50 characters, & collect their friendship cards,use your ship jump between planets,Upgrade your blaster with special abilities. An absolute must on future collection..🙏 🕹️👾🎩

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As massive worms fan I'm really looking forward to experiencing cartridge on VS & personally this will make a huge difference I absolutely love the controls lay out it's so easy to forget in the heat of battle - once again it's a home run you lovely lot at blaze!

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DEVWILL TOO on collection 2 for it's a classic screen by screen full of challenges & fun! Test your own skills with the innovative combo system that multiplies your score, & unravel the tale through hand-drawn cutscenes! "Out now" 🕹️🎩

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Brilliant delivery certainly a lot of good times ahead there 😃 you really are lucky happy gaming 🕹️👾🎩

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Massive thank you to everyone that's taken time to share your pictures of 2 & collection 1 on

I'm really enjoying being part of your exciting delivery 🥳

Side note if you did use please leave them a review

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Brilliant news Dennis you love the so I was hoping to see you with a full collection 👍 that's pretty much made my day 😃 hope you get as much enjoyment as me out of I'm spending absolute hours on it. Let's hope there's a collection 2 😃🤞🕹️👾🎩

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Cosmic Spacehead is a platform on  collection on the first thing that you notice is the music is catchy & the gorgeous cartoony graphics reminiscent of the original Duck Dodgers cartoons. grabbing Candy along the way yields an extra life! Can't wait 🎩

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