SMASH! Sydney Manga and Anime Showさんのプロフィール画像

SMASH! Sydney Manga and Anime Showさんのイラストまとめ

SMASH! is the Sydney Manga and Anime Show. Join us on the 12 & 13 July 2025 at ICC Sydney for our big comeback!
Tag #smashcon both before and on the day!

フォロー数:206 フォロワー数:8310

MERRY CHRISTMAS! From everyone at SMASH!, we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! Whether you're taking a well-deserved break over Christmas Day and Boxing Day or raking in that double pay 💰, we wish you all a safe and happy holiday 💖

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There's only one more sleep until Christmas! Our wallets may be lighter, and our days a little busier but at the end of the day, I think the Christmas tree is ready for some extra presents underneath it tonight!


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We may not celebrate Halloween here in Australia, but that doesn't stop us from having fun with it!
What's worse: An unlabelled tub filled with either Nutella or Vegemite, or chocolate chip cookies and sultana cookies in the same jar?
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The Japan Foundation Sydney is hosting an all new horror manga exhibition, just in time for halloween! The RETRO HORROR: Supernatural and the Occult in Postwar Japanese Manga exhibition will be running from the 18th of October to January next year!

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Zennyo Ryūō (善如龍王 or 善女龍王 "goodness-like dragon-king" or "goodness woman dragon-king") is a rain-god dragon in Japanese mythology. It was believed that they lived in the Nara Prefecture, an ancient locale of Japanese dragon worship and rainmaking ceremonies.

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Yūrei (幽霊) are figures in Japanese folklore and are like ghosts of Western legends. The name consists of two kanji, 幽 (yū), meaning "faint" or "dim" and 霊 (rei), meaning "soul" or "spirit". They are also known as Youkai (妖怪) or Obake (お化け).


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Akabeko (赤べこ Akabeko, red cow) is a legendary cow from the Aizu region of Japan, who inspired a traditional toy. Upon the completion of Enzō-ji, the akabeko gave its spirit to Buddha, and its flesh immediately turned to stone.

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Event Cinemas is back with a chance to WIN* 3 double passes to ‘My Hero Academia: Two Heroes’ on the 29th August at 6:30pm! Check out our Facebook post to find out how to enter the draw to win! Or get your tickets here:

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Event Cinemas George Street is back with another season of Outta the Box! Anime fans will love this year’s fantastic line up, starting 8th August. Secure your tickets now 🎟

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We've hit the 6K milestone on our Instagram!
Thank you all for your support and love throughout the years! We'd really appreciate if you completed our post-con survey via our website:

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