

words pictures paint. *MD ANT*curator of (@365in2022 /23/24/35@Gallery365photo. A photo project for each day all inclusive. Pain in the Art .No NFTs

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If you are a Teessider and are a lover of local art and landmarks. I will be selling these two mixed media original pieces.

Blast. -Approx 20x16" acrylic, pastel, oil on paper.

Transporter -approx 16 x 16" acrylic, pastel,oil on paper.
Dm me if interested.
£150 each

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You can probably guess I love painting this place from different angles. In different light.
Roseberry Topping.

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This was outside...the sky became a swirling Aurora...

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I did this paint and pastel a couple of years ago.

This place means something to me. It's hard to think of a skyline without it.

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It`s a rain dirt town job hurts but it don`t pay
All these calls they`re making me and driving you insane
Don`t you see
Don`t you understand
Waiting for the phone to ring to make me all I am
In a raintown
Rain down
On all those tired eyes and tears and frowns

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My dad Ivan 'Samsonov' Woods wonderful paintings of South Gare, and Paddy's hole.
He painted these before we were reunited, after being apart almost 50 years.
We had a bond that transcended separation, as I too have always been drawn to these parts.

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October 2017
Going through archives, came across thousands of images I called "light painting"
Long expos in moving cars.
These were a series I was going to use as inspo for paintings, but like everything else, it got lost as something else took my interest. So many unfinished.

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I don't do resolutions, I just try a bit of self improvement.
Next year prepare to be bombarded with more Art, more photography, and hopefully I get my book project off the ground.
Anyway... Here's some art.
The Blast Furnace. 2017
Pastel on paper.

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