

words pictures paint. *MD ANT* runs project (@365in2022 #365in2022) @365_in_2023 @Gallery365photo. A photo project for each day all inclusive. Pain in the Art .

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I also love colour... Here's Roseberry topping...

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One of my painting/pastels of the gare and the blast.

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I painted myself up for a project I was doing... Only the rainbow hair didn't wash off properly.
I certainly got some looks on the school run. I remember picking my son up and him saying... Mam!! now what have you been up to!? Like he was the parent.Just painting myself son... 🎨

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My father's virtual exhibition is now online.... Feeling quite fragile seeing them again, as not seen them since before Christmas in his studio.. Here's the link if you would like to see the rest

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After the events of the last 7 days, I haven't has enthusiasm to post pictures on my ongoing documenting of my kids on lockdown. The death of my father overtook my thoughts.
I never stop taking pictures. This is how my children coped.

Childhood a collection

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Finding things I forgotten I had printed.. 2007...#galleryofthepeople
Childhood a collection

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