

He/Him. My name is Austen Beaver. I like comics, video games and reading books. Banner is by @TheRedJoka.

フォロー数:524 フォロワー数:739

Ok, this is fucking weird. Wally has all of his memories from Pre-Flashpoint. Imagine if he found out about this.

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Ok, I'm really curious about something. What would you guys consider to be the gold standard Peter Parker Spider-Man run? Not saying every issue has to be perfect, just no massive dips in quality and is overall pretty great.

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Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.

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So, if Owl House had all the episodes Dana wanted then we'd have episodes featuring these guys too?

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Ok, Flash fans. You get 5 Flash villains. What is your ideal Rogues line up?

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Favorite Green-Eyed redheads.

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IDW Comic Shredder looks pretty dope.

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Kingsley: "The pieces are in place. Time for a Goblin War."

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I do like the idea of cool shit set up in Spencer's finally coming to fruition in this run. Ned coming back was a definite set up for more Hobgoblin hijinks. I'd be down for a Goblin War Arc.

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