

He/Him. My name is Austen Beaver. I like comics, video games and reading books. Banner is by @TheRedJoka.

フォロー数:524 フォロワー数:739

Karai is at her sexiest and most badass in this issue of TMNT Universe.

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I feel like out of all the DC superhero families the one that would work best in an ITSV style animated movie would be the Flash Family.

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Honestly, , if we're gonna have Ben as a full blown villain then this confrontation is a requirement:

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I feel like a good mentor for Linda to show her the super speed ropes would be Jay. Barry and Wally have been in mentor roles to newbie Flash family members, but rarely Jay.

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Ok, which one is the better Superhero Bromance?

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Flash Forward had some awesome covers.

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I think it would be fun if Jeremy made this team up happen. Don't get many Evil Speedster team ups that don't involve Eobard.

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Ok, but this team up if Linda does become a superhero.

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