

he/him | - | (CurrentYear - 1998) years old |
(native RU) / (ENG)
amazing New Year pfp by @nazmbee

フォロー数:4991 フォロワー数:204

There's an aquarium of sorts where she lives, and you can decorate it and interact with different things.
Moreover, you can take her out of water to have more interactions, like headpatting and feeding.
I wonder if this feature is exclusive only to her...
Still, it's wholesome.

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Next is an Opabinia named Opabin. She's a ... maid of sorts? She keeps calling me "goshujinsama", so that's probably it.
Also, there is a minigame involving her.

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So this girl is an Anomalocaris named Karis, a top predator from the primordial world. Quite adorable, isn't she?

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It's kinda funny how everyone's species is specified explicitly. And it's not just "Human", no, it's more scientifically accurate "Homo sapiens".

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Cool Girl (Cy Girls) demo. Doesn't work all that well with hardware rendering in pcsx2, but still looks cool.
The section present in the demo heavily reminded me of Tenchu.

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A Katamari Damacy demo is here too.
This one is probably documented to hell and back, yet it was still interesting for me to experience it first-hand. Both the stage and the song are in their early versions.

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Может Jolteon? Раз оригинал - сненжинка, то это будет припорошённая снегом ёлочка. х) Ну и электрик тип, ибо на ёлки вешают гирлянду.
...лето на дворе, а меня что-то в новогоднюю эстетику потянуло.

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You know, usually I'm straight, but if this man ever comes to life, I'm leaving the "straight people club" for good and never coming back.
Every time he spoke to Kyon even a little I was always thinking "God, I wish that was me".

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Imagine Kokichi trying to reprogram Kiibo into being gay and using freaking HTML of all things.
I'm not sure if Kiibo would be too happy about this.

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