

he/him | - | (CurrentYear - 1998) years old |
(native RU) / (ENG)

フォロー数:4910 フォロワー数:194

11.5 Some comics stories were translated from English, like "Garfield", but some were commissioned specifically for the magazine.
These include titles like "Ника" (Nika), "Арнестад" (Arnestad) and the most recent one - "Дева-воительница Перуница" (Perunica, the maiden warrior)

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7. Saban's Adventures of Oliver Twist
This one gives me an odd happy yet bittersweet feeling.
I can't remember a single thing from the show and the only reason I remembered it's title is the catchy intro song.
Will definitely rewatch this one when I'll have time.

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6. And the last one I've experienced is Remember11. (There are at least 2 more VNs after it)
This one... Sure is the weirdest of the bunch. The ending especially had left me speechless, and not really in a good way. But I loved the characters and the setting.

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5. Next one in the series is Ever17. It probably was my first ever VN. I wish I had been using a diary back then so I could read what my first introduction to "Reading Text - The game" was. The VN was also in Russian, and for that, again, I'm very thankful to fan translators.

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4. 4. The Infinity series. Like, the whole thing is one of the nine billion reasons fan translators can not be praised enough.
Starting off with the first game, Never7.
The game really shows its age, but it's still very enjoyable and Takeshi Abo's music is as touching as ever.

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3. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for PS2.
To start off, this was not a good game. It had potential to be one - oompa loompas with different skills, unique candy based abilities, weird machinery all around, platforming and puzzles...
But alas, it was clunky, short and boring.

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Кстати, а вот всякие лошадки уже были, Чародейки тоже...
В связи с этим Ангелы Подковы случайно не вспоминаются? :3

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...text, text and more text. Boooring.
But you know who doesn't mind big texts? A school reporter from the journalist club!
And no, she's not the friend who's being used, with her it's, well.. a different story.
Meet Fusano Samemura, the bright, kind and hard-working wordsmith!

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Yet another old character of mine. She was a part of a certain story, which didn't really went anywhere (maybe one day).
It's probably hard to tell, but her main gimmick is being a professional Civilization-like game player and a masterful strategist. She's a little cocky too.

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I'm bored out of my mind now so that's why I'll start posting random things here. Don't expect anyone to really see it so I guess that's even better.
Here's my really old (5~ y.o.) drawing of Makoto Yuki from P3. It obviously doesn't look good but I kinda dig it's cartoony vibe.

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