

he/him | - | (CurrentYear - 1998) years old |
(native RU) / (ENG)
amazing New Year pfp by @nazmbee

フォロー数:4991 フォロワー数:204

Главное не включать His Theme, особенно оркестровую аранжировку. 👀
Или какие-нибудь фанатские песни, вроде My Mercy, Stronger Than You (особенно с клипом от RyuO) или Chara.
Абсолютно не стоит.

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С одной стороны их много, с другой - как начнёшь сосредоточенно думать, все разом разбегаются из головы. Так...
1. Русалочка, Part of your world
2. Девочка-лисичка, A Girl From Wonderland
3. Кошмар перед рождеством, What's this?
4. Незнайка, песня Ромашки

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I literally stumbled upon this show when someone else posted about it. It was even dubbed in Russian to my surprise!
This show reminds me how many pieces of media are falling into obscurity and there are certain things which even the Internet doesn't know much about.

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Pixie or Nekomata come to mind first.
After that probably... Cu Sith?
It's a cute green doggo, what's there not to love.

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Actually, I misread the main menu and there are two more demos here.
The second to last one is another VN - Private Nurse Maria. A whopping seven days of story!
I also checked its vndb entry and was pleasantly surprised by the fact it has both English and Russian version!

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Trouble Captor, a visual novel.
Can't say much about it.
It looks like fanservice here is in abundance. Actually, it's a hentai game with censored CGs for the PS2 release.
Not much Youtube coverage, all I could find was a 8 year old Japanese playthrough on an abandoned channel.

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Next is one of many Atelier games: Atelier Violet (wait, it's actually Viorate? Like, seriously?)
This one looks like a typical Atelier game of that era.
No translations exist, sadly.
At least we got the first two games (Marie & Ellie) in English, which is awesome too.

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And one last fanservice shot if you're into girls of extinct variety.

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