

Dev, artist & animator of Tidewoken, a GW1 & Dofus inspired multiplayer #turnbased tactics game
👉Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1135220/Ti…

フォロー数:194 フォロワー数:270

Experimenting on some sort of damage zone, characters take damage when outside the zone🤔

This will put another tactical layer into PvP matches. I'm excited to get it done⚔️

8 13

Work began on a new dungeon! Just finished texturing the first enemy, animations will follow soon😊

12 18

Working on a new dungeon boss, the Craw Queen! 👑🐦

Finished creating her skills, now all she needs is a worthy battlefield

5 9

W.I.P on a new dungeon monster made in 😃

First time doing high poly -> low poly workflow

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