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When we’re stuck, it’s often because our minds are focused on the direction that seems reasonable. But there are more possibilities available to you than you know.

Your creative genius offers possibilities your rational mind can't see: https://t.co/g5p0xxr8vT

36 170

“How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.” ~Paulo Coelho

Why people are rude and unkind (and why it’s not about you): https://t.co/gQSM5mwqbd

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"And the dandelion does not stop growing, because it is told it is a weed. The dandelion does not care what others see. It says, 'One day, they’ll be making wishes upon me.'" ~B. Atkinson⠀

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"You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back & observing things with logic... Breathe & allow things to pass." Unknown

If you're highly emotionally reactive, this might be why https://t.co/NJsTFNzPSP

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When you experience trauma as a kid, it impacts your brain development & creates limiting beliefs about what you deserve, which leads to doing & accepting things that aren't good for you. But it's possible to rewire your brain & stop sabotaging yourself. https://t.co/ZKEjBOPCWo

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"You are here to live. Not to earn, not to stress, not to prove, not even to please. Just to live." ~Natasha Helwig

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We'd never push our friends when they're hurting like we push ourselves. We'd never minimize their pain or tell them they should be over it by now. If you're grieving, be good to yourself. You need it.

How to be your own best friend when you're grieving https://t.co/LcbJmb3J4z

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We often look back on our day and judge it based on how much we accomplished. What if we focused on how we showed up in the world—whether we were mindful, kind, loving, supportive, appreciative, and open-minded?

8 questions to ask at the end of the day: https://t.co/3mXicsd84Y

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"That was why we struggled to fit in—we chose things in all areas of our lives that were never right for us. So the problem wasn’t us, it was where we trying to force ourselves to fit."

A powerful post for anyone who feels like they never fit in anywhere: https://t.co/k16AWRFV9A

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You don't need to know with absolute certainty what the future will hold. You just have to trust that no matter what happens, you'll find a way to be okay.

How to trust you'll be okay no matter what: https://t.co/EmdXQRzzOr

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