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You don't have to fix everyone's problems or accept things that aren't okay with you. You don't have to say yes when you want to say no. And you can communicate your needs without being cold/harsh.

How to set difficult boundaries in a compassionate way https://t.co/0MjjIcsqYE

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We all have a finite number of years, and we can never know which day will be our last. Now is the time to live the life you want to live and be the person you want to be.

5 questions I ask myself nightly since my father's sudden death: https://t.co/IJffe67LBr

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“If you think there’s something missing from your life, it’s probably you.” ~Robert Holden

How to get out of your head and show up for your life: https://t.co/B54OQ34koM

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"Newsflash: No emotion is negative unless it’s fueling a negative action or reaction. It’s simply feedback pointing you toward growth or clarity." ~Nadine Saad

Why it’s worth the temporary discomfort of sitting with intense emotions: https://t.co/aKMdUhYGUY

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"We put so much pressure on ourselves to be happy all the time. It’s okay to acknowledge when times are tough. It’s alright to feel anxious, even if it’s uncomfortable.” ~Ilene S. Cohen

10 quotes you need to read if you struggle with anxiety: https://t.co/Fu9fcURGcF

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"If you keep bending backwards to make others happy, one day you will break your back. A broken back is very painful to bare, take note." ~Mariam

I was addicted to helping people – here’s why it made me miserable https://t.co/1NufNQx2u8

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"I cannot connect with myself or anyone else if I’m trying so hard to be impressive that I’m not being real." ~Roni Davis

How weight and food obsessions disconnect us and why this is so harmful: https://t.co/rt1zOXjvAB

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Many of us grew up in dysfunctional families and have no idea how our childhood experiences are impacting and limiting us as adults. But there comes a time when we need to address our pain and shame and learn what healthy love actually looks like. https://t.co/LLffEBnHAh

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“Feeling safe in someone’s energy is a different kind of intimacy. That feeling of peace and protection is really underrated.” ~Vanessa Klas

3 ways to help someone who’s recovering from trauma: https://t.co/RwRtWrztYe

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"If you keep bending backwards to make others happy, one day you will break your back. A broken back is very painful to bare, take note." ~Mariam

I was addicted to helping people – here’s why it made me miserable https://t.co/1NufNQx2u8

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