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If you're stressing yourself out, feeling pressure to find your purpose, call off the search. It's much easier than you think to live a meaningful life.

Why you should stop looking for your purpose and what to do instead: https://t.co/9ZBP0ITUbP

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“When we fail to acknowledge our feelings, they continue to affect us anyway—influencing our thoughts, our emotions & our decision-making beneath the level of our conscious awareness." ~Claire Rother

It's a myth that we can just "get over" pain & loss: https://t.co/fQQ3sv9Vyt

57 198

"All those years I spent as a victim to my story kept me stuck & unable to move forward... Yes, bad things happened to me. But they are not who I am; they are just part of my story."

How I stopped feeling sorry for myself & shifted from victim to survivor https://t.co/pRHZepF7sZ

31 146

Gratitude is a beautiful thing, but there's a fine line between focusing on the good and tolerating a bad situation, telling yourself you should be grateful.

The two sides of gratitude - when it helps us and when it hurts us: https://t.co/3En4YZzER2

38 172

“Life has to end, love doesn’t.” ~Mitch Albom

How I’m coping with grief by finding meaning in my father’s death: https://t.co/1cLyIa9fOK

27 127

You don't need to know with absolute certainty what the future will hold. You just have to trust that no matter what happens, you'll find a way to be okay.

How to trust you'll be okay no matter what: https://t.co/EmdXQRzzOr

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"You are allowed to take up space. Own who you are & what you want for yourself. Stop downplaying the things you care about, the hopes you have. Own your passions, your thoughts, your perceptions." Bianca Sparacino

How I stopped shrinking to please people https://t.co/Ppn8XrYpVf

41 206

“If you’re looking for a sign from the universe, and you don’t see one, consider it a sign that what you really need is to look inside yourself.” ~Lori Deschene

How I overcame my psychic addiction and stopped giving my power away: https://t.co/6EjxWSnxED

35 175

You can't force someone to understand you if they're unwilling to try. And you can't force them to let you in if they're committed to shutting you out.

The best thing to say to someone who won't try to understans you: https://t.co/xxKsBiVivf

35 157

Avoid people who mess with your head. Avoid people who intentionally and repeatedly do and say things that they know upset you. Avoid people who expect you to prioritize them but refuse to prioritize you. Avoid people who can’t and won’t apologize sincerely....

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