

my art-only twitter where i will be retweeting my art from my main account & post occasional doodles💫

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oops keep forgetting to make these JGLSKJG--
✨Progress gif for this faux metal magazine feat. Mars wow! he's a part time model, full time zombie. I absolutely love how this came out so I'm a TAD Bit peeved over how twitter cropped it :')))

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zombo blood oooo///

3 am doodles HEYYOOOOOO
saw that out-of-context diagram & was like “omg thats a perfect choker necklace for Mars”

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discourse in the metal fandom..........
(yeah unsurprisingly they do NOT like each other :'D)

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how am i supposed to get anything done when all i want to do is draw Chara gjkslgjls at least my art isn't looking Uglee anymore!!! still feel like it's lacking something though... >:T

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Doodles of young kiwi(wiwiwiwi) because she is the cutest dotr but also the most terrifying dotr

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going through one of THOSE phases where all my art looks ugly as sin in my eyes bUT I Don’t have time for that BS so I’m just trying to truck through it. I think it might drive me crazy tho

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Blake: h—

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doodles of a father & his son before I go to work...... I have no idea what brought DELIRIUM to a pet store but it was definitely ~destiny~ for Mars & Mars Jr to meet. They have a lot in common 😂

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in loving memory of Benny💙
he’s not dead I just love remembering him

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doodles a TP Link bc I replayed TP not long ago & im still freaking out over BOTW 2

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