

my art-only twitter where i will be retweeting my art from my main account & post occasional doodles💫

フォロー数:41 フォロワー数:111

knife,,, there's no blood just a knife ksksks ///

Mars: why is everyone scared of me :(
Mars: looks like this

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i was cleaning my laptop & found some abandoned wips that have been collecting dust in my art folder for MONTHS :'D there's even more too kgjskgjd

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blood ///

doodles of Verchiel!!!♥️ (apparently i just can't stop doodling skfjskl)

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okay,,, they aren't a couple,,, but this song gets me every time & i just needed to draw something SOFT bc im EMO😭💙 (besides i'd be lying if i said they wouldn't be super cute together)

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sketch of young, alive Joshua & Joseph bc I think I wanna make a finished illustration of them! :0 need to thumbnail it first tho LOL

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ahsjdhjsjsdjjs im indecisive, which version should I go with (poll below but feel free to reply too pls Im so indecisive)

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actual wip wow // im good at naming files

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was thinking about how rhett is a natural brunet, which led to thinking about how much hair dye he must go through when the navy blue fades & needs to be recolored (he's got sO much hair)

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wip // this is taking so, long. why did i do this to myself. it's 1 am & my laptop is burning hot & i''m dyingkgjks

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um hi yes? 911? yes, my children r going to make me cry i love them so much, send help

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