

my art-only twitter where i will be retweeting my art from my main account & post occasional doodles💫

フォロー数:41 フォロワー数:111

dark pit is my dream man tbh, he's my boyfriend

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okay this drawing of Nate captures an energy that I personally feel SEVERAL times a day & I canNOT stop laughing😂
this is the peak of my art career

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Benny: does anything (or literally nothing!)
Rosalie & Nate:

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doodles of my BEST son, Levi, during different phases of his life. because, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! & HE DESERVES THE WORLD!!! send tweet

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lil doodle of everyone's favorite emotional plant boy🌱🍃✨

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I've been making a LOT of digital doodles lately 👌:'D maybe TOO many, bc now I am just,, swimming in doodles ksksks-- but it's been great practice for drawing faster! :D
anyways, someone please get this nasty boi to put on a real shirt

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lil doodle i might clean up later bc I LOVE BENNY KJGKHSDJ,,, I FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM :'DDD

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wip // he. ANGERY. (bc i need to practice exaggerated facial expressions😅)

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(stand up comedian voice) so, two helpless romantics walk into a bar

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