

With a Hint of Lemon (Wahol for short).
Character designer and illustrator.
Contact: [email protected]
Artist for @OddityRPG

フォロー数:261 フォロワー数:1324

If you saw this man you didn't blink.

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Some Link and Zelda designs I did while away at my sister's. Decided to clean them up some.

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A Noelle Holiday while dog sitting for my sister.

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Travis cooldown before bed.

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Sora but he's wearing overalls instead of that weird onesie thing.

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Some neo twewy doodles over the weekend. Do people usually call it "neo twewy" or "ntwewy" online? I keep going back and forth. Maybe I should just stick with "twewy". Spoilers btw.

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Didn't know that was a thing.

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Neo Twewy has been oodles of fun!

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Apparently there was a Gilligan's Island cartoon made by Filmation in 1974 that aired only a few years after the original show had ended. Most of the original cast came back to reprise their roles, with the exception of Tina Louise and Dawn Wells.

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