

With a Hint of Lemon (Wahol for short).
Character designer and illustrator.
Contact: [email protected]
Artist for @OddityRPG

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These were drawn a while ago as a means of practice for Oddity's new art style. I thought it'd be important to test the water's with something familiar just to see how well they would transition.

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Some quick drawings from last night.

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Digging the new billboard duds, although I kinda prefer him with a collar.

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Travis from 2011 vs. Travis from 2020. The former was from back when I hadn't joined the team yet. Ah, memories.

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Saw someone in a cute outfit the other day so I went and drew it.

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I wanted to try and see if I could draw mostly spooky(ish) art this month, but I don’t think that’s going pan out at all.

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Spooky time is here once more.

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All of you are missing the real big news of today.

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Fun fact about me: I very much enjoy Scooby Doo.

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