

31 He/Him Antifascist cartoon zebra. Artist/Musician/Audio Engineer. Your favorite ironic nazi hates me. BLM and ACAB means ALL.

Discord: wootmaster_

フォロー数:4208 フォロワー数:6079

Also we had a mild infatuation with skrillex

0 7

What if you

wanted to go to Equestria

But Pinkie Pie said

0 0

Sethisto, Makenshi, and others who run the largest platform in the fandom will gladly look the other way on white supremacy. Even outright neo-nazis will have a place on

5 20

Got this excellent pic of Smolder in a Sailor Moon outfit from , you should definitely go check out their twitter for further salacious art of dragons and assorted coolness.

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I mean, he's a brony white nationalist so it already follows that he isn't extremely bright, but I mean...

"No immigration"?

6 59

There were other accounts too, most of them got yeeted. This was before being cheeky and hiding your powerlevel was a widely accepted strategy among white nationalists.

Then Unite the Right happened in 2017 and you know the rest from there.

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