

I’m a mix-breed dog who loves yoga! Come join me and let's have some fun!😆
💌[email protected]

フォロー数:219 フォロワー数:80

Yoga-Wan and the Vishnu's Couch Pose・ヨガわんとヴィシュヌの寝床のポーズ
"I'm not watching the TV...(side-eyeing the screen)."

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Yoga-Wan and the Wind-Relieving Pose・ヨガわんとガス抜きのポーズ
”This is good for digestion~"

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Yoga-Wan and the Thunderbolt Pose・ヨガわんと金剛座のポーズ
"It's not the Hero Pose just so you know."

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Yoga-Wan and the Lotus Shoulder Stand Pose・ヨガわんと上向きの蓮華座のポーズ
"Put your hands on your thighs or hips."

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