

I’m a mix-breed dog who loves yoga! Come join me and let's have some fun!😆
💌[email protected]

フォロー数:226 フォロワー数:71

Happy Holidays from Yoga-Wan!

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Yoga-Wan Sticker: Yoga and Santa Claus 2
ヨガわんシール:ヨガとサンタクローズ 2

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Yoga-Wan Sticker: Yoga and the Winter Outdoors

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Yoga-Wan Sticker: Yoga and Hot Chocolate!

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Yoga-Wan Fall Traditions Around the World: Guatemala and the Festival de Barriletas Gigantes

On 11/1, Guatemala celebrates the Day of the Dead by flying kites in memory of dead love ones.

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Yoga-Wan Fall Traditions Around the World: Thailand and the Yee Peng Lantern Festival

ヨガわんと世界の秋のイベント: タイとコムローイ祭り(イーペン祭り)

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Yoga-Wan Autumn: Mini Scarecrow and the Revolved Hand to Big Toe Pose
ヨガわんの秋: ミニカカシとねじって手を足で掴むポーズ

“Isn’t my friend cute?”

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Yoga-Wan Autumn: Scented Candles and the Sphinx Pose
ヨガわんの秋: アロマキャンドルとスフィンクスのポーズ

“Mmmmmm~…smells so good…”

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Yoga-Wan Autumn: Pumpkin and the Chair Pose
ヨガわんの秋: パンプキンと椅子のポーズ

“This pumpkin is a lot heavier than I thought…!”

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