

A fella who likes to doodle. A mix of SFW and NSFW in here
Age 34 He/Him

フォロー数:300 フォロワー数:228

A random late night doodle with Azir trying to get the brothers to get along by eating them

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Here's my halloween pic with Zearo having a ride with a gourd monster

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Now we have Ezark having a nightmare of Ion not eating him since he has Noxit in his belly
(Day 29: Nightmare)

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Here we have Jezul the demon genie. He can grant wishes but they always have a catch to them.
(Day 26: Desire)

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Here we have Zoan the druddigon, Cebil the exploud, Pyne the abomasnow and Ignyte the arcanine performing a song as the band they call "Rounded Rousers"
(Day 25: Performance)

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Here we have a goblin hoarding his friends for a boost in his defenses
(Day 24: Hoard)

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Here we have Shinzui the spirit dragon mercilessly draining a helpless prey
(Day 23: Cruel)

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Here we have Zard and has starting to grow fond of Xadier and the two of them give a kiss
(Day 22: Love)

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Here we have Yamiz on the hunt as he closes in on a second prey
(Day 21: Stalk)

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