

A fella who likes to doodle. A mix of SFW and NSFW in here
Age 34 He/Him

フォロー数:300 フォロワー数:228

I was thinking that Zearo could be trapped by voracious spirit while he ventured through a haunted house. As for plans... I think I would give out candy to trick or treaters.

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So here we have Lyzarak the chimera after they at a mage who's trying to protect himself with a magic bubble
(Day 16: Bubble)

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Here we have Dakuma who is giving Cyzo and Erutaerc a stay in his hammerspace belly
(Day 14: Guest)

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Sure I'll give it a shot

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So here we have Cyzen despite being an ice/dragon the kyurem black is quite warm and keeping Peme out of the cold frozen pass
(Day 12: Frozen)

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So a little ritual is going on and Aglida asked for tribute Zagori agrees to be it for the time being.
(Day 11: Offering)

4 10

I'd like throw my obstagoon Byde into this

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