

A fella who likes to doodle. A mix of SFW and NSFW in here
Age 34 He/Him

フォロー数:300 フォロワー数:228

Now we have an areodactyl that swallowed a machoke.
(Day 9: Ancient)

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Well here we have Glurb the snorlax blocking the path for Penil the virizion and Spryt the mimikyu/gengar hybrid. The oaf seemed to have gotten a decent snack before sealing the entrance
(Day 7: Path)

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Now we have Bonez giving Glaive a nice place to nap since the skeleton dragon's cursed robe only drains from live prey.
(Day 6: Blanket)

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So here we have Onyan and Lyzin howling at a full moon
(Day 5: Moonlight)

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Now we have Everik residing in the dark depth of a cavern and he's taking down another prey with his belly starting to give a slight glow in the cave (Day 4: Depths)

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Here we have Serru "saving" a hypno after taking care of some brutes.
(Day 2: Hero)

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Well another month of and what better way to start it off with Lord Zethz having a decent meal to fuel himself (Day one: Villain)

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Here are six different forms

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