

I'm a 21 year old bisexual autistic man(he/him). I like all kinds of vore, Death Note, PkMn, HazbinHotel and am also a Furry to top it all off lol

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# vore

heres some Anniversary N vore;) LOOK AT THIS BOY HE IS SO PRETY!!! I LOVE HIM so much.

this is jist part 1 of this btw, got some more of these in the works rn!!! Anyways here he Be.♡♡♡♡

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ok finally posting lmao. heres a squishy boy (N)

anyways think i did p good with this one tbh😳i rlly like it .. he look very soft....that is good (hopefully i can post more if i dont forget lol)

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i am posting. u r welcome

anyways naga N au again sorry i like drawing thicc snake boi LOL

also sorry for lack of posts im hating myself again lately lol but yeah, vore🤩😋😋😋😋😋😋

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some really bad phone doodles . naga N au your welcome

he haves purple mouf btw😳😳snakey tongue 🐍ill probably redo these on my tablet sometime maybe

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revamped an older drawing cuz it was so bad 😶😶anywayw i recolored some parts and fixed some lines and relit and reshaded all of it and i Know i have rlly improved yay

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reminder to self; dear god please check the fucking size of the canvas oh my god I MADE IT TOO BIG

this took a few crashes LOL but its all good...The boy... is very slimy LOL

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ill post finished stuff soon i just wanna get som more done then ill have a lot to post:)

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me starting stuff i dont finish lol🤣🤣🤣😂i like drawing moufs tho what can i say😔

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I EXIST have this for the time being while i work my ass off lol. anyways cat boy N again (im sorry it is just Cute.)😘🥰😘😍😘🥰😘🥰😘😍😘🥰

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why he fuckin upside down why


anyways heres a thing while i work on other stuffs i like this art program i just gotta work on coloring‼️‼️‼️ i love N‼️‼️‼️‼️also i kinda think n would have a big forehead LOL i think thats kinda adorable

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