

I'm a 21 year old bisexual autistic man(he/him). I like all kinds of vore, Death Note, PkMn, HazbinHotel and am also a Furry to top it all off lol

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:1499

tried something new in terms of art programs lol, think it came out ok tho (maybe a tad too bright?)
anyways im working on a couple of animations rn but thatll be awhile obviously lmao

anyways here u go have some more natural harmonia gropius (i love him)

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catboy N
i think its cute but i fucked up the coloring and idk how to fix it so😂😂😂
also i did this in inspiration to the movie that got me into vore in the first place, tbh idk what the name was but i remember this cat vored a mouse and i was like yep im into that. lmfao.

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did i almost post vore on main. yes
did that give me a fucking heart atatck. yes

anyways Spikey teefs N supremacy
also the coloring on this one is wonderful imo😍😍😍😍😘😘

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i have like 10 wips rn and a few ideas and i hate coloring so much!!!!😍😍SO NOTHING GETS DONE!!! LMAO!!! anyways N i love him. *posts cringe*

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i got a lot to post i just forget LOL anyways have this its simple but i like drawing mouf😍😍😍(and i love N)

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gonna post old ones til im done with like the 50 wips im working on + im having an art style crisis😍😍😍😍enjoy this

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anyways here's more N its old ish but im posting it anyways

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going to try to post every say lets see how that goes.. probably going to post some sketches every once in awhile as well

anyways heres an old ish one
n vore real part 2

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n vore (real)🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥴🥵🥴🥵🥴🥵🥴🥵🥴🥴🥵🥴🥵🥴🥵🥴

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