Megpróbáltam egy rajzot készíteni Lauren Bacallról - a hangsúly a próbáltam szón van, de legalább mókás volt a folyamat, graphic design is my passion xdd
Befejeztem sikeresen a LOGH-ot szóval I guess már én is az elitbe tartozom, tényleg nem hiába van még MAL(!)-on is 9 pont felett, a politikai, stratégiai és karakteres vonala elsőosztályú teljesen, you can rituálisan kivégez me de nekem Yang után Julian a kedvencem belőle
Sugata Sanshiro is a cool period-martial-arts-dramedy from TMS, very similar in lots of aspects to the previous Botchan where Monkey Punch also provided the character designs, I found this even better entertainment with the live action segments doubling the wacky judo plot
Fuyu No Hi is a really special anthology film made by mostly Ghibli people with all of the segments using a unique and different kind of animation technic, I loved the part that Kotabe Yoichi and his wife animated, the more so because by 2003 he was already only doing Pokémon 😅
I finally overcame my dissatisfaction with Layzner this rewatch and yeah this show is fire in lots of parts, still has horribly dull characters with no chemistry between them during the whole thing, but the 2nd arc w/ OVA, politics, the philosophy and Eiji and Julia are just😩👌