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Those heretics, the state of them, best buddies with Satan.
The heretic holds the hand of a winged angel with clawed feet (Satan) and they walk together in a landscape. 1574-75.
(British Museum)
💿Netherlands Renaissance Sacred Music
🎼Philippus De Monte (1521-1603)
🎼Orlando Di Lasso (1532-1594)
🎼August Nörmiger (1560-1613)
🎼Robert White (1535-1574)
🎨Rogier van der Weyden(Braque Family Triptych)
Today in 1574 Guru Ram Das becomes the Fourth Sikh Guru/Master.
Giulio Cesare Procaccini (1574 –14 November 1625) was an Italian painter and sculptor.Ecce Homo
Here's the finished character sheet for V-1574 from the other day! He's a V-eterinarian class notail! #cosmosdex #notail
yall should read fortuna lol
@marialves53 @migliaccio31 @Dominiquepucini @ceconomou56 @1alert1 @AndreWisniewsk2 @smc_su @DavLucia @BB_Aesztia @Messe11 @ValerioLivia @albertopetro2 @Giorgio51589046 @doritadia @FriendArt_ @scastaldi9 @martinis2018 @agustin_gut @Rebeka80721106 @claudioborlotto @matibo11 @hermete3 @gori_magnani @neblaruz @kapii7 @MariangelaSant8 @Make_u2_happy @lev_yurij @bmarczewska @hubin369 @monica74761144 @CristianeGLima @BrindusaB1 @ritamay1 @licprospero @cmont4560 @monicasloves @ampomata @Amyperuana @peac4love @NadiaZanelli1 @Papryka5 @CaterinaCategio @anne_camozzi @paoloigna1 @erminiopasquat1 @PacodaCamino @GucciPatrizia @SimonaMascaro @tizianacampodon Jacopo Zanguidi known as Bertoja (Parma, 25 July 1544 - Parma, 1574) was an Italian painter,Armida inseguita da Rinaldo e Orlando, affreschi del Palazzo Ducale di Parma Bertoia
Giorgio Vasari (July 30, 1511 - June 27, 1574, Tuscan)
#mannerism #painting #artlovers #art #fineart #artshare
Holy Family with Saint Francis in a Landscape, 1542.
天正2年(1574)7月29日(旧暦)、織田信長は明智光秀の大坂方面の戦況報告を、詳細で眼前に見る心地がすると賞賛💮しました。そして光秀の布陣が堅固であり、反逆した伊丹親興の伊丹城は兵糧が尽きれば落ちるとし、伊勢長島を鎮定次第、上洛すると伝えています。#戦国武将かるたレジェンド48 #明智光秀
Norreys had many years of experience fighting in Ulster and was not squeamish about his hands dirty. He was central to the massacre Brain O'Neill's household in 1574, where they were guests of O'Neill, and the slaughter of civilians on Rathlin Island in 1575
Born #OnThisDay in 1554: #ElisabethofAustria (1554-92), Queen of France as spouse of #CharlesIX, daughter of Emperor #MaximilianII
Portrait attributed to Frans #Pourbus the Elder (1545-81), after 1574
#Habsburg #Valois
@kapii7 @migliaccio31 @ValerioLivia @bmarczewska @albertopetro2 @CristianeGLima @marialves53 @MariangelaSant8 @Make_u2_happy @LunaLeso @martinis2018 @smarucci461 @Rebeka80721106 @DeTwiterr @anne_camozzi @angela3nipoti1 @AlessandraCicc6 @albert_cunill @gori_magnani @ANNAMARIABIASI1 @Biagio960 @CaterinaCategio @paoloigna1 @tizianacampodon @smc_su @peac4love @monica74761144 @arteeblog @BaroneZaza70 @BrindusaB1 @monicasloves @Messe11 @yianniseinstein @claudioborlotto @erminiopasquat1 @FriendArt_ @lissablu68 @ampomata @cmont4560 @agustin_gut @ritamay1 Voi dunque, aprici colli ameni e lieti,
adorni di smeraldi e di zaffiri,
e voi, fide compagne a’ miei sospiri,
dolci aure, udite or gli alti miei secreti.
Bernardo Cappello (1556)
-Francesco Bassano
“Giugno” (1574)
Born #OnThisDay in 1498: Netherlandish painter #MaartenvanHeemskerck (1498-1574)
Portrait of Emmetje Teunisdr. van Souburgh (ca. 1501-63), 1535-44
#Heemskerck #NetherlandishArt
Born #OnThisDay in 1498: Netherlandish painter #MaartenvanHeemskerck (1498-1574)
Portrait of Jan Claesz. Diert (van Haerlem) (1497-1574), 1535-44
#Heemskerck #NetherlandishArt
Born #OnThisDay in 1553: #MargaretofFrance (1553-1615), Queen of Navarra & France as spouse of #HenriIV, daughter of #HenriII
Portrait by an Unknown Artist, ca. 1574
#MargaretofValois #MargueritedeValois #LaReineMargot #Valois