Can’t believe it will be 50 years tomorrow since we landed on the moon. 🌝 It really was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. 👩‍🚀🌎🚀🌔

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It must have been a breathtaking view when was leaving Earth. Here's my little tribute to and hoping that one day some of us can enjoy this view firsthand. 🚀🌙✨

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Micheal Collins. The astronaut who stayed behind orbiting the moon.

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Did you know? David Bowie’s song Space Oddity was released in 1969 just before Apollo 11 lifted off, but the BBC refused to play it until the astronauts had landed safely back on Earth

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It’s almost here! Only four days left until the anniversary of the Grab your copy of COUNTDOWN: 2979 DAYS TO THE MOON and celebrate our brave astronauts who made it to the moon 50 years ago.

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50 years ago today, Apollo 11 launched for the moon. This evening, at Goonhilly, the first place to receive pictures from the lunar landing, the moon marked the occasion with a glorious partial eclipse.

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Designed this 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 pin for one of my idols

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Si hombre, todos sabemos que fue un conspiración judeomasonica y el hombre nunca ha abandonado su querida y amada plana

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Happy launch day. Here is my Apollo 11 infographic celebrating the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. cheers Tony.  

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Happy launch day. Here are part 1&2 infographics that I have illustrated. Feel free to use for non profit projects and educational purposes (including YouTube videos) Happy 50th, cheers Tony.  

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50 years ago today was for A perfect opportunity to share stories of space travel whether with human or canine astronauts! Our space story collection & activities here

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In honor of the launch 50 years ago here’s a fanmade poster I made for the . 🌔🚀
Done on the iPad Pro via

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In which channels 50 years ago this morning

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