Nelle Torri dell’antica Porta di San Sebastiano, al Museo delle Mura, fino al primo marzo 2020 sarà ospitata la mostra RA-TA-TA-TA, BANG-BANG, SI GIOCA: una selezione di 137 pezzi della meravigliosa ed immensa collezione capitolina di giocattoli antichi.

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I Giorni della merla: celebre leggenda della tradizione popolare

I tre giorni della merla sono, secondo la tradizione, gli ultimi tre giorni di gennaio: oppure gli ultimi due giorni di gennaio e il primo di febbraio.

Via Libri Usati e Antichi

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to should be a global & united issue, each country should stand firm & sanction 🇨🇳 due to it’s evil act
Otherwise, we would become another 😢

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Thank you for supporting us & 🙏🏻
was ambitious to engulf other countries by despicable means, so everyone should join the to against evil 🇨🇳

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Thank you for
CCP is a threat to the whole world
It's using the Chinese market (though maybe not valuable as expected) to threaten companies and even govts
CCP is interfering politics everywhere
We should stand up to CCP and stop its expansion

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Only independent commission could be empowered to “call for witness” to investigate each case, not the capability of could do. If still insist the set up for independent commission was unnecessary, that means it’s the order from🇨🇳

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I racconti di paura giapponesi danno sempre i brividi, da quelli antichi narrati a voce agli ultimi film horror. Qual è il vostro preferito?

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Day 11: Singing Pierides painted by Henry Stacy Marks on The Great Bookcase by William Burges (1827-1881)

Via Libri Usati e Antichi

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🇮🇹 Carissim*,
Se vi piacciono i fumetti fatevi un regalino: andate nella vostra edicola di fiducia e cercate questo: Samuel Stern.
Horror + libri antichi + Scozia.

Per approfondire:

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That’s why HongKongers don’t want to be like Chinese. They won’t allow you to have different opinions, or they will use hate speech to you. But they don’t even know they are control by who. Poor people.

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