Aftermath of the war, Astartes and Guardsman by Richard Bagnall

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Primarch Crossing: New Imperium 40k
I appreciate Leman because he appreciates a good dog and good dogs get better when they are Supersized. Never underestimate the tactical application of a huge, angry animal (and what are astartes anyway)

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Depiction of Astartes should have never strayed away from this

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More graeco-roman-wrestling with the
Much oil has been used. Olive oil. They are like a pizza 500 worlds.

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First Captain Sigismund of the
He's rather cool and I love the canon-fact that Lucius has a 10k-years-crush on the idea of a duel with him. Sadly this won't happen.

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Oily boys are done: doing some graeco-roman-wrestling.
Ultramar and the 500 worlds sound like the only part of the where I would want to live (Chaosraids aside, of course).

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Hey looks like everyone's got their tabards in knots over Women Astartes. Here's your regular reminder that they are cool and good (or evil!)

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Continuing along with the Warhammer 40k theme (okay, 30k) a little study of the original Legio Astartes.

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