An Elf, vaguely inspired by Emily Axford playing Fig on Fantasy High because that was what I was watching (bingeing) when I sketched her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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<お借りしたベース  モデル>

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"Yay! says he'll be best man"
Please bid for this re-drawn signed original in the auction & support some great causes - thank you.

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What the flock's grabbed their attention? All will be revealed when launch my new range in the new year!

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My ‘lunchtime pigeon’ project seems to have turned into a bit of a serious artwork. A pupil genuinely thought I had pigeon for lunch when they asked me about it 🤦🏼‍♀️

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'Morning Waddle'. One of my favourite things is feeding the ducks.

Top tip: Don't feed Ducks bread, it's not very good for them. Many places sell pretty decent sized bags of wild bird seed for just a pound or too 🙂

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'Just Kidding Around'. Pen, ink, and watercolour sketch. Horns on animals unnerve me a little bit but that doesn't stop them from being beautiful to look at...

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Quack! Indian Runners Ducks are another beautiful little animal that I'm particularly fond of. What's not to like...?

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'Before the Cock Crows'. I've always loved chickens. Shapes, sizes, textures and colours are always very inspiring to me...

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'Morning in the Petting Zoo'. I loved being able to get close to animals and to feed them when I was little. I seem to spend more time drawing them nowadays...

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