My Hopeless Cavern collection releases to Patrons today!

3 23

"2 ring slots or you will break the game!"
from: Crafty-Crafter

50 449

Just as you can effect the world it can also effect you, all we ask is that you keep this in mind
credit to: JinxAdnix

31 274

Hey! Check out Matt's games. I play in 2 of his campaigns and they're the thing I look forward to the most every week. Plus you get a free mini after 6 sessions! Art by and

5 10

Friends are excited about Critical Role's new content but I'm just a hater
from: Lunaspis

44 692

The process of doing the under painting on a digital model is interesting. Red for blood flow, blue for crevices, yellow for boney/cartilage areas… then overlay your skin tone in light layers until it’s where you want. This gives you nice tonal variety.

0 8

They aren't Int Based Casters afterall..
from: Hecc_Maniacc

49 383

🐉Dragons collection is here! Only available on Patreon

1 15

Sure, you can take a long rest in the dungeon.
credit: Deefry

67 578

Man do a lot of the Demon Lords have huge glow-ups
OC: lolasian101

50 633

Popcorn, anyone?
from: microwavedraptin

62 614