I am sooooo happy with how this turned out, i have finally, created beautiful fire

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Ich kam heute endlich wieder zum zeichnen :) auch wenns nur ne Std oder so war :) hab an meiner Dame weiter gearbeitet:) Rhesahi - Drow Schurke

2 22

Danke nochmal für den schönen Stream heute :) so weit sind wir heute gekommen :) als nächstes startet dann das ausrendern

1 12

Have been working on a setting for DMing a D&D campaign and use it for a comic. I have been trying designs for some of the civilizations from it and this one is for some almost-undead people.

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Hey, guys! Last night I was inspired to create this fantasy/sci-fi piece. I'm pushing myself to spend some more time and thought on backgrounds and composition. Hope you enjoy.

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