Hey I’m curious what’s your favorite sentient alien species in fiction (movies, games, and etc) I’ll go first: I really like the Krogans (Mass Effect), Galvanic Mechamorphs (Ben 10), Furons (DAH), and Irkens (Invader Zim)

2 7

The Furon Empire has decided!

Congratulations to the Winners of our Fan Art Competition:
Tyler ( on Instagram)
Tom ( on Twitter)
Gautier ( on Twitter)

Thank you to everyone that has participated, we loved every single piece you sent us!

18 120

Early Loading Screen cards designed to introduce four of the five Invasion Sites (Las Paradiso, Sunnywood, Shenlong and Belleville) featured in "Destroy All Humans! - Path of the Furon" (2008). They were finally replaced by the ones visible in the final game version 👽

1 26

Secret Crush
PSN_FUROND secretly loves you! 😳
Who loves you in secret?
via https://t.co/UV25vsw2NK

0 0

Secret Crush
PSN_FUROND secretly loves you! 😳
Who loves you in secret?
via https://t.co/AGmoDQm9ne

1 3

redesigned my furona >w< just a lil mouse 🐭💙

107 614

The Mothership's Furon Archives section in Destroy All Humans! (2005) contains references to the game development. If you're careful the room is also displaying two Crypto clones showing weapons cut from the final game. The Hypno-Beam and the early design of the Zap-O-Matic! 👽

5 34

in honor of being an anitwt stan and a pjo stan,, an attempt at sakusa kiyoomi but nico di angelo, ghost king loml !!! spent too much time painting his big ass hair sdvflk;sdk

28 86

Im a furona hoarder but Love is currently my nr1 ... i adore him sm amd i jus wanna kith him every day and draw him he makes me so hapy to have as a sona oogh..

0 12

curiamo l'anima con la bellezza ❤️ l'artista di oggi è H. Rousseau;i suoi dipinti furono definiti "naif".

1 10

old and new saucers from destroy all humans!

3 14

Bello tutto Marijke cara👏👏🔝❤️

Questo mio bacio accogli sulla fronte!
E, da te ora separandomi,
lascia che io ti dica
che non sbagli se pensi
che furono un sogno i miei giorni;


11 10

Quando Moby Dick uscì,non vi furono dubbi che questa volta”l’uomo che era stato tra i cannibali” si era rifiutato di scrivere un semplice romanzo autobiografico;la reazione del pubblico e critica fu violentemente ostile e Melville ne fu stritolato.

10 19

Salutiamo la 🌸raccontando delle due splendide ai fianchi dell'abside del , la parte più antica. Le aiuole furono realizzate negli anni '20 con piccoli cespugli e fiori, solo intorno al 1950 comparvero i magnifici arbusti ➡️

26 74

"Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon" Animation test render created for a cutscene featuring the voice of John Grant Albrecht as Crypto-139 . The cinematic was made by Drew Shy, animator at "Crankypants Games" which was later renamed "Sandblast Games" in 2008. 👽

4 23

Commission work for Erika Furond.
Thank you very much for supporting my work <3
greatly appreciate it.
lovely oc.

13 57

Di solito non indulgo, ma lei l’ho sempre compatita (più di Lorenzo, arrostito sulla graticola, e forse più della sventurata Agata): oggi, si celebra Sant’Apollonia martire; nel III secolo, sciagurata, le furono cavati i denti. Patrona dei dentisti, ça va sans dire.

6 19

Man mano che giungevano alla mente erano ben disposte,
vi furono scosse,trambusto,
quei colori divennero indistinti
La vita porta disordine,dolore.
Colpimo all'impazzata.

12 15