New at the third and final piece on Alternative Timeline Dinosaurs, this time looking at the 'smart post-Cretaceous dinosaur' meme...

72 228

The new article on alternative timeline - part 1 in a series - already has over 20 comments.

17 60

New at part 1 in a series on ALTERNATIVE TIMELINE starting with Dougal Dixon, Greg Paul, Manga, and the Speculative Dinosaur Project!

48 149

From the palaeoart workshop. Agata Stachowiak's hartebeest, 's Ceratosaurus, ' Anchiornis, 's Confuciusornis.

Mustn't forget to mention meeting . Eeeee. I am not worthy. 😭

10 87

Cameraman and biologist Dr Paul Stewart and I will be talking about The Velvet Claw at 2019. What's The Velvet Claw? Only the best zoology-themed TV show of all time, that's what! Here are some images...

20 119

Back in June, I joined a trip across the with a fantastic team from . was special guest. We saw SO MANY animals. Here's a article on our trip...

14 70

New at The Fate of Burian’s Styracosaurus, a story of memes, of sorts...

16 40

Teaser for what's coming next at ( This is an OLD illustration - lots of weirdness and mistakes!

9 64

Who remembers Usborne's iconic ALL ABOUT MONSTERS of 1977? Beautifully illustrated, it remains one of my most fondly remembered books. Here's a article about it...

61 352

Phyllostomids - the New World leaf-nosed or spear-nosed bats - are a large group that includes big, vertebrate-eating predators, long-snouted flower bats and short-faced, cute, fruit-eating bats. New at a review!

27 78

At last, phyllostomid bats - the New World leaf-nosed bats or spear-nosed bats - receive some coverage at These are among the best of bats.

22 62

New at Potoos As An Internet Phenomenon ... Art credited/linked in the article.

53 187

Ladies and gentleman, the tale of Aldrovandi’s Monstrous Rooster, a 15th Century Dino-Chicken...

20 54

After fighting my way through the tube I finally made it to
Just for fun, here's some spec-bio work for 'Fentil', a heavy moon with blue sponge-trees and surprisingly mobile plants.

Looking forward to meeting lots of other artists!

3 17

New at The Dougal Dixon After Man Event of September 2018 Big thanks to and Dougal Dixon :)

12 43

A new article at - with a bunch of interesting and fun artwork - asks 'Could We Domesticate (Non-Bird) .. assuming, of course, that we're in a parallel timeline where humans and such animals live together Already 9 or so comments :)

36 96

The next ver 4 article is out, and it might be NSFW. World, I give you... Bigfoot's Genitals: What Do We Know? I blame and ... And gets fair mention (I hope).

27 60